The Importance of Habit Tracking

Nicole Waida


Content Writer

Blog Writer



Blog post created for my personal website. Please note formatting is altered for Contra profile to just display writing abilities.
Trying to improve on some daily practices? Be more mindful? On a journey for some self-healing? Creating some habits and then finding a way to track them is a beneficial tool for keeping up with your progress! A tracking app creates a visual cue for you, holds you accountable, and is motivating. Looking for a place to start? Here are some of my habits I created with my life coach and track each day.
First off, find an app or visual method to help you track your habits. The easiest and most user friendly one I found for my iPhone was simply called, Habit Tracker. If that is the one you want to use too, look for this icon in the app store! The tracker shows me my stats, sends me reminders, and lets me customize my interface so its a safe and motivating place to check.
The Habits
Keep in mind your habits can be anything and you can call your tracking method whatever you want! Instead of calling them habits myself, I refer to it as my well-being checklist. It is a combination of what I need to complete almost every day to feel mentally clear and physically better!
Daily walk
Movement in my day is really important to me. I certainly do not feel myself if I stay cooped up working in my apartment all day. I make a reminder to get out there for a long walk or take a few walking breaks between meetings.
5 minutes of meditation
It seems like a small practice to incorporate, but it has major long-term results. I started with just doing 5 minutes a day and have increased the length or the amount of times a day I meditate. I now notice during the instances when I have not put time aside and give myself some space to get in the right headspace.
Water intake
I have truly increased my trips to the hydration station now that I have reminders for my water intake. Ensuring I get enough water in my day is really important to me and can dictate my daily performance.
Read a few pages of a book
Or listen to a podcast! Whatever works for you to get some extra knowledge or mind break in your day. My reading alters between an indulgent Colleen Hoover book or some more self-help focused reads (Atomic Habits, Untethered Soul, Happy Days). I try to incorporate in my morning routine or when I am winding down before bed.
Stretch body for 10 minutes
I need to remember to give my body some extra TLC when sitting in a chair for 8 hours a day. I remind myself to stretch and lengthen my muscles which also helps me decompress and feel relaxed.
Do something I want to do
Sometimes I forget who the most important in my life is... me. I (and I'm sure you) spend a majority of the day doing things for other people. And then the things I typically do for myself are necessary (grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning). I try to do something I want and need for myself each day - whether it is a coffee break or catching up on Real Housewives, it benefits my mentality.
Complete one journal entry
This was not a natural practice for me to keep up with simply because I kept forgetting. I started to leave my journal out on the coffee table each night so I could remember each morning. Flushing out my thoughts really lets me start my day with a fresh mindset. If I ever get stumped on what to really write about, I do a brain dump. I just start writing without stopping for a couple pages and put every thought that crosses my mind on the page. Yes, it looks chaotic, but I feel better once it is done!
Call a family member or friend
Each day can get hectic with working, running errands, working out, making meals, etc. I sometimes forget how easy it is to spend 10 minutes a day connecting with a loved one or friend. In that short time period, I end up feeling happier, supported, and less anxious.
This was certainly the hardest habit for me to adopt. But affirmations serve a really positive purpose, combatting negative thoughts and setting a motivational tone. My affirmations are just some powerful words I say each day, but you could also write out statements. I needed some extra help on this one so I posted them to my bathroom vanity to remember each morning!
Be in bed between 10-11pm on weekdays
Now does this always happen... no. But I set a reminder to alert me around 9pm to get to bed early. This prompts me to at least begin my nighttime routine and start trying to calm myself down. I try avoiding TV or too much screen time before going straight to sleep to have a better nights rest.
Other Habit Ideas
Each person's journey is unique and we all need something different in our days. My habits work for me, but what would work for you? Here are some other ideas:
Spend time outside
Wake up early
Start your day with a brain teaser
Make a daily to-do list
Watch or read something that brings you joy
Have a home cooked meal
Or maybe you need it for more organizational and learning purposes! Such as make my bed, water the plants, clean out the fridge, complete my lesson (in whatever you may be learning), etc. The options are endless for whatever you want to create a better habit around.
So, what will you start tracking today?
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Posted Feb 3, 2023

Trying to improve on some daily practices? Be more mindful? On a journey for some self-healing? Time to create some habits and find a way to stay accountable.






Content Writer

Blog Writer



Nicole Waida

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