
Dorcas Ode

21 and Audacious (Full Verbatim)
[00:00:00] Interviewer: So today we have another guest in the house, another 21-year old who is happy, or who would be happy to share her experiences with us and some other good stuff.
I have with me Naomi and I'll be letting her introduce herself to us.
So Naomi, kindly introduce yourself to us, we'd like to meet you.
[00:00:30] Interviewee: Hi everybody.
Like she said, I'm a 21 year old, I don't know how I got this old [laughter] but I'm 21 and a writer and content creator, I'll say writer [giggles].
I currently host a YouTube series called Abba's Heart where like Jemimah, I am sharing God. [inaudible]
Yes, so that's me, I hope I said enough.
[00:01:18] Interviewer: Yes, that is enough.
If that's all you want to share with us, thank you, thank you.
[inaudible] I'll give them some insight as to how we met.
This is how I met Naomi; I was paired with her by my social media mana- uhm management coach and day by day I am getting to discover the wonder that she- that she is [inaudible]
She's fun to be with [laughter]
[00:02:13] Interviewee: Jemimah oppresses me, I'm not going to hide it.
[00.02:17] Interviewer: It is not oppression, it is love.
Naomi has written amazing pieces that make me wonder how her mind works, like how did you come up with this?
She has been a blessing to me, she checks up on me, she loves me and I love her too, so, thank you so much Naomi-
[00.02.:46] Interviewee: Awwwwwnn
[00:02:52] Interviwer: Please we aren't doing this here, before you start tearing up on my podcast [laughter]
That was a joke, enjoy yourself!
[00:03:01] Interviewee: Thank you
[00:03:02] Interviewer: Okay, so, like the two other guests we had on the show earlier, I'd like you to also share your experiences with us.
Can you tell us what being young and being great has looked like for you?
We'd like to know your own journey and your own experiences
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