A blog written for a client on Fiverr about self-care

Vanessa Molnar

Content Editor
Content Writer
Self-Care: Why Should You Bother?
Taking care of yourself is one of those things that often gets put on the back burner; we're all guilty of it.
You start skipping the gym, grabbing processed convenient food on the run, bailing on your friends, filling up on sugary drinks to get a boost, or skimping on your sleep, trying to keep up with the chaos in your life. 
Life can get overwhelming sometimes, but it's in these moments that self-care is more important than ever.
You've heard the saying, "You can't pour from an empty cup." I know what you are thinking- I'm already so busy! Now, I have to add in some self-care.
Just the thought of adding more to your schedule stresses you out. Maybe it's time to reassess your schedule and start cutting back on areas that don't need much attention.
Many people get stuck in the thought process that being tired, overstretched, overstressed, and overworked is some badge of honor. Working hard will get you where you want to go in life, but if you arrive burnt out, what's the point?
Integrating self-care into your life will help you achieve your goals and enjoy the journey.
Some signs that you're headed for burnout and need to start adding some self-care to your daily routine are:
· You get sick often, constantly feeling unwell and unable to give your best.
· You are moody, lashing out at loved ones, getting frustrated quickly with others and yourself.
· You rely on caffeine/sugar to get through the day, only to have that crash a few hours later.
· You dread going to work and start flaking on projects- even ones you once looked forward to.
· You are fatigued all the time and cannot snap out of it
·  You feel anxious and worried all the time.
If you're experiencing any of these signs, it may indicate you need self-care. Don't be afraid to admit that it's time to show yourself some love.
Performing self-care doesn't have to take an entire day or even hours, especially if the thought of that stresses you out.
Start small.
Self-care is like a muscle it can take time to build up, but you must be consistent. You must make space for yourself every day and be intentional, even if it's just a few minutes a day.
Your efforts will pay off.
Once you start putting yourself first, you will find that you can do more in a day.
What are some ways that you can practice self-care every day?
Exercise. Getting your blood pumping will have an immediate positive effect on your mood. You don't have to join fancy classes or spend hours at a gym doing something you hate- that would be counter-productive.
Instead, find something gentle that you enjoy, like simply stretching, walking, or swimming. If you enjoy more vigorous workouts like running, dancing, boxing, or whatever gets you moving, dive into that; exercise's effects on your overall well-being are remarkable.
Eating healthier.
We all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables; the problem is that we seldom do. Eating a more natural diet will tremendously affect your mood and overall well-being.
Snacking on fruit or nuts rather than chips. Small changes will make a significant impact over time. While you're at it, you might as well add more water to your daily routine. Being dehydrated will make you feel sluggish, and who has time for that?
A nice hot bath.
Why not grab some wine and chocolate to take with you? Unwinding in a luscious bubble bath is good for your soul.
Unplug for the day. Try staying off social media for the day or even a few hours. Social media can be a lot more stressful than you think.
Practice gratitude.
Starting a daily gratitude practice will help you see how much you already have and help to cultivate a new level of appreciation for your life.
Declutter. If decluttering your whole house seems overwhelming, start small with a closet, junk drawer, or email. Living in a tidy and clean home has a calming effect.
This one is so important to your overall well-being. It's not always easy to get that extra sleep in, especially if you have small children, but trying to prioritize sleep will significantly impact your life. Even if it's just a nap or getting to bed a little earlier, you will reap the benefits of that extra sleep.
Meditation. Just a few minutes a day sitting in silence and focusing on your breathing will have you feeling much more relaxed. Meditating in the morning will help to set the tone for your day.
Deep belly breathing.
This one pairs well with meditation. By practicing deep belly breathing, you will help to soothe your parasympathetic nervous system.
Try something new.
Do you have a hobby you have always wanted to try or a hobby you started then stopped? Why not give it a go and add creativity to your day?
By practicing these self-care tips or ones that work for you (there's no wrong way to practice self-care), whatever feels good to you will make a massive difference in your life. You will be happier, more relaxed, and even more productive.


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