Whimsical Illustrations for Children's Book

Alison Chan

Graphic Designer
Visual Artist


The Radhika Book Series comprises of whimsical children's books dedicated to robots and homework fairies.
Author Ramya Sethuraman and I brought our creative minds together to create the latest book in the series, "Malathy and Fairy Bot", a story that showcases little girls tinkering with and building robots in the future.


As the children's book illustrator, my role is to breathe life into the story through captivating visuals. I immerse myself in the narrative, developing character designs and setting the scene to spark imagination in young readers. Collaborating closely with Ramya, I craft detailed artwork that enriches the storytelling experience. Through playful elements and iterative revisions, I ensure my illustrations resonate with the audience, contributing to the magic of the finished book.
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