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Haven - Website Design and Development
TestBest | LSAT® Prep & Tutoring
Fax Service SaaS | Custom Website Development
NGO | UI Design + Full Stack Custom Website Development
Real Estate Landing Page | UI Design
Agriculture Manufacturing Website | UI Design + WordPress
Clean Energy Future | UI Design + WordPress Website
Fintech SaaS | UI Design + Custom Illustration + Framer
Agricultech | UI Design + Framer Website + Custom Animation
Business Consultancy | UI Design + Wordpress Website
Portfolio Website |UI Design + Website Development
Design Agency Website | UI Design + Framer Website
Product Website | UI Design + Webflow Ecom Development
Beauty and Wellness | UI Design + E-commerce Website Development
E-com Accelerator VC | UI Design + Custom Website (WIP)
AI-Voice Agent (SaaS) | React to Framer + Custom UI + Framer
AI Real Estate SaaS| Custom Web Dev + UI Design + Illustration
Architecture Studio | UI Design + WIX Development + Animation
Sagepilot.Ai Landing Page Revamp
Health-Tech | UI Design + Illustration +Search / Filter + Framer
Custom E commerce Calculator | LTV + AOV + Storefront Revenue
Cosmetiq Website Development
Oak & Bark Pet Shop, E-Commerce Website Design
Nip & Tuck Aesthetic Clinic Website Design
Elixr Aesthetics Case Study
Woods E-Commerce Store Case Study
Portray: Framer Portfolio Template
Corolair UI/UX & Framer Development
FXOpulence - Framer Design & Development
Feel Gud | Mushroom Gummies PDP
Because | Replo LP Build
ELFTHC | Replo Product Template Development
Cumin Club| Replo Landing Page
Points | Low Sugar Landing Page using Replo
PixelPulse - Design Agency Template
PerfectTurf - A Lawn Care Business Template
Yaletown Integrative Clinic - Website Design & Development
Bunco Bakery - Landing Page
The Corp Challenge - Landing Page
The Skull Crusher
Clean & Immersive Website for Swiz Based Company
WEBGL Animations - Unicorn Studio & Framer website
Wordpress Landing Page Design & Development - Palm Leaf Library
FormanPro Landing Page Redesign ✨
WordPress Website Design - Happiness Philippines ~ Siargao
Ciento - Membership Platform (Full Stack Development)
MedVision: Landing Page for Medical & Dental Workshop
Zona Colonial: Traveling Website