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Explore UX Design projects by Visual Designers on Contra
About Me - UX Designer | Product Designer
Exsai Design Studio, Landing Page Made In Framer
Created an Enterprise Level Design System For MPL
UI Design - Music player redesign
Mobile App design for Asset Management
Composites Manufacturing & Simulation Center Website & Logo
Case Study: Streamflow Website Template on Framer
UI /UX Product Design (Chezie)
Streamlining Contract Management with AI
Mobile App Design for Roxio's MediaPLAY
Zexware - Website Design
Creative web layouts
Doterra Dashboard
My Verizon App - Hardware Device Setup
Website Design for The App Barista
Eventure Digital Web
TsunamiX (Product Design)
AXiS — Operational Analytics and Business Intelligence (SaaS)
Galerie - Mobile App
Amazon Experiences | Mobile app
trufyx: Phone Repair Service App
UI Redesign for Bank Internet Banking Web App
Responsive gallery website
Co-working Space Booking Web App
Landing page for an IT company
Zoomforth | Visual / Implementation Designer
ALLY | Social Media Platform for Sharing Goals
Design System | Maintenance and Rebrand
Fashion Accessories Small Business - Website Design
ThumbTack SaaS - Social Media Management Web Ap
E-commerce site (redesign)
E-commerce shop app
Mindfulness App Landing Concept
UX Cohort Landing Page Design
Amazon Stores - Multiple Brands
Vstar - Corporate
Embedding Animated videos for eLearning
UI Banking Design
Conversion Rate Optimization