Video & Animation

Best Video & Animation

to Hire
in 2025

Looking to hire Video & Animation freelancers with the perfect set of skills for your next project? Work with the world's best freelancing talent on Contra.

transparent shapes
Recommended 32x
Anush N's avatar

Anush N

Noida, India

🚀 Turning Founder Ideas into Market-Ready Products⚡

Recommended 21x
Vaibhav Khulbe's avatar
Top Independent

Vaibhav Khulbe


∞ Converting ideas into digital products ✓

Recommended 27x
Nabeel A.  ✦'s avatar
Top Independent

Nabeel A. ✦


Product Design | Brand Design | Illustration

Recommended 7x
Paul du Plessis's avatar
Top Independent

Paul du Plessis

Bloemfontein, South Africa

Motion Designer | Animation as a tool for your success

Recommended 11x
Max Chechel's avatar
Top Independent

Max Chechel


Custom Webflow development and interaction design

Recommended 13x
Nick Carvajal's avatar
Top Independent

Nick Carvajal

Parkland, USA

Shopify Designer & Developer

Recommended 5x
Sara Servan's avatar
Top Independent

Sara Servan

Sydney NSW, Australia

Illustrator, Graphic & Motion Designer

Recommended 2x
Joaquin Maurtua's avatar

Joaquin Maurtua


UX/UI Designer, Low code Dev & 3D Modeler

Recommended 4x
Shadi El Asaad's avatar

Shadi El Asaad

Berlin, Germany

Multi-disciplinary 3D Designer

Recommended 22x
Ayşe  Köker 's avatar

Ayşe Köker


Every new design flutters my heart like a flight to Dubai ✨✈

Recommended 6x
Aparajita Bhattacharya's avatar
Top Independent

Aparajita Bhattacharya


Bold Color, Clever Design

Recommended 16x
Kayla Elorza's avatar
Top Independent

Kayla Elorza

New York, USA

Designer, storyteller, and video wizard.

Recommended 3x
Molly Brooks's avatar

Molly Brooks

Boston, USA

UX & Web Design | Brand Strategy | Accessibility

Recommended 9x
Diego Rotmistrovsky's avatar
Top Independent

Diego Rotmistrovsky

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Versatile Filmmaker. Jack of all trades.

Recommended 3x
Animation Studio's avatar

Animation Studio

Sri Lanka

2D-3D Animator & Video Editor| Graphic Designer

Recommended 4x
Marouane Zouzhi's avatar
Top Independent

Marouane Zouzhi

Los Angeles, USA

AI Artist | AI Video Expert | AI Filmmaker

Recommended 2x
Waqas Ali's avatar

Waqas Ali

Karachi, Pakistan

🎥 SaaS Video Production Specialist - Brand Elevated

Recommended 2x
Sam Allen's avatar

Sam Allen

London, UK

Moving, zappy motion and video 💥

Recommended 6x
Petar Matić's avatar

Petar Matić

34000, Croatia

Multidisciplinary Creative: Designer & Animator

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Frequently asked

Freelance videographers and animators can develop and edit visual aids for your business. They can create original videos with quality clips and motion graphics that let your customers know more about your products and services.

Freelance videographers and animators can develop and edit visual aids for your business. They can create original videos with quality clips and motion graphics that let your customers know more about your products and services.

Freelancers working with videos or animation need to have an eye for details, be creative, and be experts at using different types of design software. They must be able to see flaws in concept designs and watch for any errors in execution. They should be able to deliver flawless visuals to their clients. Freelance videographers and animators must be masters at using different types of animation tools, video editing tools, and different types of software. They need to know software like Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Procreate.

Animators and videographers need to be able to create different visuals and pull them together into one cohesive story. That takes a lot of creativity and art direction.

You have three ways to discover and hire the best freelance videographer or animator on Contra:

Post an opportunity on Contra to get applications from qualified videographers and animators. Click the “Hire an Independent” button to write a job description, select a few desired skills, and set your timeline and budget. Provide as many details as possible so you can find the perfect fit!

Discover freelance videographers and animators on our Discover Page. You can search by job title or by specific tools to find the expert ou need. Tap the “Get in Touch” button to send Independents an inquiry.

If you already know of a freelance videographer or animator you’d like to work with, invite them to work with you by sending them a proposal on Contra. Click the “create proposal” button and include your deliverables, scope of work, timeline, and payment terms. Independents will review your proposal and sign a built-in contract before beginning work.

Freelance videographers and animators will create custom videos and animations that fit your brand and budget. Their visuals will add a much needed pop to your social media channels and will communicate your goals and accomplishments. Outsourcing these important tasks to an expert will save you time and money. You’ll have the time you need to focus on high-level decisions and run your business peacefully.

You need to hire a freelance videographer or animator when you need visuals to advance your business goals. Videographers and animators can create assets that deconstruct complex ideas, explain how to use products, or sell the advantages of your business to an audience. Trusting a freelance animator or videographer will ensure that an expert crafts the visuals you need. Plus, you already have a long to-do list. Outsourcing work to a freelance animator or videographer frees up the time you desperately need.

Entry level video editors and animators charge a minimum of $25 to $50 an hour. Mid-level video editors, animators, and videographers will charge $50 to $100 an hour, while experts may charge $100 to $200 an hour. Some creatives will charge per project, and those rates will depend on their experience, the scope of work and the complexity of the work. You must pay a minimum of $250 or $25 an hour to hire an Independent through Contra.

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Video & Animation

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