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Explore projects by User Researchers in Lagos on Contra
🔜 MyDecorTrade: Mobile App, Web App and Landing page
DietBloom (Wellness App)
Spotlighting the African tech talent community
MetaMask Notifications
Quidroo • Web App UI/UX Design
Karla Payment
Redesign of Afriglobal madicare website
Tobams group website design
FirebaseElevate: Chrome Extension (Open Source)
Haulk - Logistics and Courier Platform
Moosic - Mobile/Tablet App
Google Chrome Bookmarks
Analytics Intelligence Websites
Improving Spotify's Podcast Listening Experience
Personalized E-Commerce - Connecting Customer & Vendor.
Tutor Lantern: Creating a seamles AR experience
Powerman Elite
Your Apartment Rental Platform (Casa Redesign)
The Solo Tourist: A User-centered Design Approach to Solo Travel
PTW Request
Lesson Learned
Driving mobile app adoption with conversion copywriting
Solving Tribes.AI's incomplete signup problem
Helping Bukable launch with product and website copywriting
Redefining User Experience in the Vetsark Farms App.
Healthcare Platform Revamp
Spark App: fueling passionate connection in the world of dating…
Cash in a Snap: FundFlex Loan App — UI Exploration
A gateway to the world of literary exploration and knowledge – …
AI-Power Discovery
HR Analysis For Zenith Plc
Gradior Ambient Sound & Mental Well-Being App
Content Writing: E-Commerce
Status :: Behance
365Sync V2 :: Behance
UX Case Study Mega Dispatch App
Foodio- A Case Study
Mega Dispatch Website Case study
Vroom: UX Case Study