Explore projects by English-speaking Rive Animators on Contra
Hero image with motion interactive for landing page
Freelance Dice Designs for Multiplayer Mobile Game
Vanguard landing page Rive animations
Horizon dApp - website
Gratitude mission - Sidekick Health
Bring Mobile to Life
Carousel car
Unique button
Interactive Landing Page
RIVE - Circle Madness
RIVE - App Audio Waveform
RIVE - Circle Elasticity
RIVE - Geometry Madness
Rive | Website Landing Page
Codesdirect hero - Rive animation
Thresh Animated Web graphics | Rive animation
Merit Systems web graphics | Rive Animation
Website Hero | Rive animation
Interactive Hero animation in Rive
Rolling Counter Animation in Rive
Zoom in/ Zoom out animation chart in Rive
Use Rive to see what is possible in desiging our ad components
Motion interactive on 2d illustration
Interactive button hover
Interactive toggle switch animation
STAR-EX Match Result Page
Opening chest
Character rigging & animation
Button hold state
Landing page animation
UI/Animations Reel #1
UI/Animations Reel #3
UI/Animations Reel #2
Rain white noise
Gooey menu
X-man button
Founder and Lightning
Interactive lodaer
Interactive Book
UI Interaction
Landing Page animations
Animated grass
Eletric button
UI/Animations Reel #4
DragonX Website
Animated Knob
Sci-Fi radars