Sales Optimization Project for an ecommerce company
Analyzed two years of e-commerce sales data, pinpointing critical trends and seasonal patterns. Developed an advanced predictive model for affiliate management.
Market Researcher
Business Analyst
Data Analyst
Google Analytics
Looker studio
Google Sheets
Social Media Analytics for Brand Enhancement
Conducted a comprehensive market research study using various data analysis techniques to identify key market trends and insights.
Data Analyst
Social Media Strategist
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Supply Chains Optimization for International Food Company
Optimized global supply chain by employing predictive analytics and advanced visualization and cartography, leading to a 20% efficiency increase in distribution
Data Analyst
Looker studio
Google Sheets
Image Prediction Using Neural Networks
Engineered a Machine Learning Algorithm for Age, Race, and Gender Detection and Created a User-Friendly Web App Interface for Seamless Image Prediction
Data Scientist
ML Engineer
Jupyter Notebook