High-End Web Development with Framer + React/NextJS

How we Designed the New Web App For A PropTech Startup
How we Designed the New Web App For A PropTech Startup

Successful design of a web app, landing page for a propTech startup. Pata Boma ("Find Home" in Swahili) revolutionises how people manage their properties

Web Designer
Adobe XD

Design of a Healthcare Tourism Service
Design of a Healthcare Tourism Service

Developing a beautiful functional landing page for a new startup in healthcare tourism

Web Designer

CryptoCurrency Landing Page Recreation
CryptoCurrency Landing Page Recreation

Design of a landing page for a popular cryptocurrency company in Figma

Web Designer

Financial Services Landing Page (Developer)
Financial Services Landing Page (Developer)

Development of a clone of fruitful.com (an award winning financial services company) landing page using Figma for design and Framer to build.

Web Designer
Framer Developer

Design and Development in Framer
Design and Development in Framer

Contracted by a private physician to craft their personal patient facing website. Site had to convey quality and expertise to appeal to the target audience

Web Designer
Framer Developer

Movie Recommendation App built in NextJS
Movie Recommendation App built in NextJS

App built in NextJS utilising a vectorDB and cosine similarity of vector embeddings to recommend movies with similar plots. Hosted in vercel

Backend Engineer
Frontend Engineer
AI Developer

Innovative Healthcare Web Portal
Innovative Healthcare Web Portal

Developed a high-end web portal for a healthcare startup using React and NextJS. UI design done in Tailwind. Responsive across all sizes. Backend in Appwrite

Web Designer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer