How Planhat tapped into expert talent to launch their new brand identity

Saved $30K+

by hiring project-based

Saved 29 days

compared to onboarding FTE

1 freelancer

to do it all

Saved $30K+

by hiring project-based

Saved 29 days

compared to onboarding FTE

1 freelancer

to do it all

Saved $30K+

by hiring project-based

Saved 29 days

compared to onboarding FTE

1 freelancer

to do it all

"Contra solved a massive pain point for us which is that we needed someone who could execute our vision meticulously, on a tight timeline."

— Alberto Lambert, Director of Product Marketing at Planhat

"Contra solved a massive pain point for us which is that we needed someone who could execute our vision meticulously, on a tight timeline."

— Alberto Lambert, Director of Product Marketing at Planhat

"Contra solved a massive pain point for us which is that we needed someone who could execute our vision meticulously, on a tight timeline."

— Alberto Lambert, Director of Product Marketing at Planhat

Planhat is a customer platform that doubles as both your single source of truth and an everyday customer-centric control centre for your sales, service and success teams.

Hired 1 independent on Contra for:

Framer Development

Web Development

No-Code Development

Planhat is a customer platform that doubles as both your single source of truth and an everyday customer-centric control centre for your sales, service and success teams.

Hired 1 independent on Contra for:

Framer Development

Web Development

No-Code Development

Planhat is a customer platform that doubles as both your single source of truth and an everyday customer-centric control centre for your sales, service and success teams.

Hired 1 independent on Contra for:

Framer Development

Web Development

No-Code Development


Planhat leveraged expert freelance talent to launch their new brand identity

Planhat was gearing up to launch its biggest-ever platform upgrade and a new brand identity that better reflected their vision. To achieve this, they needed a completely reimagined, full-service B2B website to bring their new brand to the world and market their new product suite. This website included 50 pages, multiple integrations, and a large thought leadership CMS migration to handle 10,000s visitors/mo. They came to Contra to find the right freelancer for the job.

The Challenge

Planhat was looking for a candidate who understood their big vision and could execute on it in Framer. Planhat tried multiple freelance platforms, screened over 60 candidates, and even started a design subscription, but none of those worked out.

"It very much felt like Adriano was a part of our team. We had a constant, iterative dialogue together and he brought our vision to life in Framer."

— Alberto Lambert, Director of Product Marketing at Planhat

The Solution with Contra

Contra connected Planhat with a verified Framer Expert to bring their vision to life

Contra connected Planhat with Adriano Reis, a Framer Developer, who brought their vision to life.

By using Contra for their contracts and milestone payments, Alberto could easily manage the project and see progress at each checkpoint. Within 4 months, in collaboration with Alberto and Planhat’s Head of Design, Anton Reimertz, Adriano delivered an end-to-end rebuild of the Planhat website.

"This was by far the largest and most ambitious site I’ve built yet. I was able to bring Planhat’s vision to life and push the limits of Framer. By building smaller CMS collections and prioritizing clean and smart components, we made it easier to manage content in the future."

– Adriano Reis, Framer Expert


Planhat launched their next chapter in early June of 2024 and is already seeing early success. By leveraging expert freelance talent on Contra, the Planhat team was able to focus on their strategy and rebrand vision, instead of splitting focus or spending time and funding additional internal FTE team.

Going forward, Planhat is focused on providing an end-to-end CRM capable of powering the entire customer lifecycle and deepening their distinctive Planthouse brand. Sold on the power of a flexible talent strategy, Alberto plans to build out a freelance creative team for future Planhat projects, and manage it with ease on Contra.

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