Janjira Sun

January 24, 2022

· 2 min read

Getting paid commission-free has never felt better! In this guide, we’ll be covering what payments are and how to set up your account to start getting paid! 🤑

How do I set up Payments?


Connect an account to receive payments (For Independents)

To get started getting paid on Contra, you'll be prompted to add a payment method to your Wallet. Depending on the country that issued your identification, you may have the option to add a USDC crypto wallet, a debit card, a local bank account in your country, PayPal, or all three ✨

Connect an account to send payments (For Clients)

To send payments to other Independents, you’ll be prompted to add your credit or debit card information. This can be different from the account you receive your payments on!

Clients with a US Bank Account are also able to pay via ACH to avoid potentially high credit card fees.

What happens after?

You’ll receive a “Payments active” badge on your profile, which will let clients know your Contra Wallet is all set up and they can start working with you on a project! 🚀

Janjira Sun

Copywriter focused on changing the future of work

journalist turned independent turned contrarian. currently working with contra to build the future of work 💗

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