Janjira Sun

October 26, 2021

· 1 min read

Your Contra Wallet houses all of the payments that you've received during your time on Contra. You can keep track of when you'll receive payment for the work you've done, and track all of the transactions on your account.

There are three things you'll see when you're in your Contra Wallet:


Balance Available

This number reflects the amount of cash that has been validated and is available for transfer to your linked bank account.

Projected Total Balance

This is the total balance of all cash transactions in your Contra Wallet. These transactions include the:

  • Current, transferrable balances in your Wallet, and

  • Pending transactions that are en route to your Wallet

Next Transfer

This is the date when your funds will be transferred once a week from your Wallet to your linked bank account. It can take anywhere between 2-5 business days for the funds to be reflected. 💸

Janjira Sun

Copywriter focused on changing the future of work

journalist turned independent turned contrarian. currently working with contra to build the future of work 💗

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