Versatile Designer: From Concept to User Joy 🚀

Zoba: UI Design & Product Strategy
Zoba: UI Design & Product Strategy

I worked closely with the head of product and the engineering team to develop product workflows, conduct user research studies, and design build-ready mocks.

User Researcher
Product Designer
Product Strategist

BRX AI: Product Strategy & Onboarding
BRX AI: Product Strategy & Onboarding

I was hired as a part-time CPO at BRX AI, leading product strategy and design for the team.

UX Designer
Product Designer
Product Strategist

Furca: Product Design, Branding & Website
Furca: Product Design, Branding & Website

I worked closely with the team to develop product requirements, map the user journey, ultimately, deliver build-ready mocks, branding, and a marketing website.

Brand Designer
Web Designer
Product Designer

YouTube: Payment UX Optimization
YouTube: Payment UX Optimization

I identified and implemented front-end A/B experiments to optimize the conversion funnel for YouTube Premium, resulting in a substantial uplift in checkouts.

Product Manager
User Researcher
Product Strategist