Quality Assurance Engineer
Website Accessibility: Protect your business from the risk of l…
Website Accessibility: Protect your business from the risk of l…

Is your website fully accessible to people with disabilities? Probably not. Web accessibility may not be your business's top priority right now, but you could …

QA Engineer

Leveraging Selenium and pixelmatch for Effective Visual Testing
Leveraging Selenium and pixelmatch for Effective Visual Testing

Learn how to perform effective visual testing using Selenium and pixelmatch library. Mask elements, update baseline snapshots, and generate allure reports.

QA Engineer

Simplifying Test Case Design: A Streamlined Approach
Simplifying Test Case Design: A Streamlined Approach

Simplify test case design and streamline your testing efforts with this efficient approach. Learn how to optimize coverage while saving time.

QA Engineer
Manual Testing

Automation and 3rd party limit
Automation and 3rd party limit

How we solved flakiness due to 3rd party rate limit errors?

QA Engineer

Embracing a New Approach to Quality Assurance
Embracing a New Approach to Quality Assurance

Revamp your approach to QA with testing on prod. Feature flags, smaller PRs, shared ownership, and robust automation lead to faster, higher-quality software

QA Engineer
Manual Testing