Framer designer & developer creating impactful experiences

Boost Turku Website Redesign
Boost Turku Website Redesign

Redesigned Boost Turku's site in a 1-day hackathon with Framer, enhancing CTAs, reducing noise, and improving hierarchy.

Web Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer
Google Docs

Architectura's Landing - Framer Site 🚀

A minimalistic landing page design for an architectural agency. Designed and built with Framer!

Web Designer
UX Designer

Dreamlamp - App🏫

Dreamlamp is a learning app for toddlers. My responsibility was to convert the design inspirations to functional designs through strategic refinement.

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Google Docs

Mutable AI's Landing - Redesigned 🔮

Re-designed a landing page with simpler navigation, clear content hierarchy, and improved visual design. Aiming to maximize user retention on the landing.

UX Designer
UI Designer

CINIMAX - UX Case Study 📽

Crafting an intuitive process for the reservation of seats digitally by designing an app that makes the seat reservation process easy and helpful.

UX Designer
Product Designer
Google Docs
Whimsical Wireframes