Full-Stack Developer: Laravel & Flutter Expert


This project aims to develop a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) built with the Laravel PHP framework This LMS will cater to both instructors and l

Web Developer

ACELERA (Crowdfunding)
ACELERA (Crowdfunding)

Project Creation: Enable project creators to launch detailed campaigns, including descriptions, financial goals, and rewards. Funds Management: Manage raised

Web Developer

vCard - Ultimate Digital Business Card Builder
vCard - Ultimate Digital Business Card Builder

vCard - Ultimate Digital Business Card Builder Key Highlights: WhiteLabel Branding: Custom logo and name. Multi-Language Support: 16 languages with RTL.

Web Developer

E-commerce Platform with Laravel
E-commerce Platform with Laravel

Developed a scalable e-commerce platform using Laravel, focusing on user experience and security. Implemented various features like payment gateways.

Web Designer
Web Developer