How to Make a Template File for Any App on Your Mac

Jarrett Smith

Graphic Designer
Content Writer


Pitch an outline, title, and similar article that will engage readers, answer a question, and guide readers on to more.

I wrote and edited the piece, then worked with an editor to fit into the company's style and meet expectations.

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A Sample From the Article

Have you ever created a file on your Mac that you wanted to reuse often, but you open it, forget to make a copy, and don't realize you've edited the original until it's too late? A file that acted like a template could save you time from all the backtracking.

Luckily, macOS has a way to make any file a template-like file, so opening it opens a copy instead of the original.

The Stationery Pad Feature Creates Template Files

macOS offers the ability to make any file open up a copy instead of the original by marking it as a Stationery Pad. For example, if you have a spreadsheet you fill out regularly and save as different files, you can save it as a Stationery Pad so that every time you open it, your Mac will create a new copy to work on. That way, your template will remain unchanged.

Now, instead of opening the previous month's sheet and erasing it, just double-click on your template file, and a new copy will open.

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