Creating designs that stand out 🔥

Infographic Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Company Profile
Company Profile

Design Company Profile

Print Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign

Magazine Design
Magazine Design

co-design with the design community

Print Designer

Web design with wordpress
Web design with wordpress

Kaltim Faktual adalah Media Online di Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim). Tak hanya Mengabarkan, tapi juga Menginspirasi dan Menyenangkan.

Web Designer

Logo Design for School
Logo Design for School

Designed a memorable logo that reflected the image of the small business and successfully created brand recognition.

Print Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Design Powerpoint
Design Powerpoint

Get to know the world of journalists, presenting to schools and campuses

Presentation Designer
Print Designer
Web Designer
Microsoft PowerPoint