Data Analyst & Automation Engineer Extraordinaire

Scraping Unsplash Images: API vs. Web Scraping — A Comparative G
Scraping Unsplash Images: API vs. Web Scraping — A Comparative G

This guide explores two methods to harvest images from Unsplash: simulating API requests as observed from network traffic and traditional web scraping, highligh

Data Scraper

Automating Book Title Extraction from PacktPub Using Python
Automating Book Title Extraction from PacktPub Using Python

automate the process of fetching book titles based on a keyword from packetPub

Data Scraper
Automation Engineer
Data Analyst

Navigating Through Sound: Bypassing Audio CAPTCHAs with Python
Navigating Through Sound: Bypassing Audio CAPTCHAs with Python

This Project examines a Python script that automates the process of solving an audio CAPTCHA challenge using speech recognition technology.

Data Scraper
Automation Engineer
Data Analyst