A Framer Expert weaving design stories

Wingweave - Design thinking as acrobatic as a dragonfly.
Wingweave - Design thinking as acrobatic as a dragonfly.

Collaborated as their lead UI/UX and brand designer, illustrator, and copywriter, collaborating on design and development solutions throughout.

Brand Designer
UI Designer
Framer Designer
Affinity Designer

MediaPlace - Creating a brand identity from a blank canvas.
MediaPlace - Creating a brand identity from a blank canvas.

Collaborated as their lead UI/UX and brand designer, collaborating on design and development solutions throughout the project cycle.

Brand Designer
UI Designer
Framer Designer
Affinity Designer
DaVinci Resolve

apawfive - A dream for harmony between humans and animals.
apawfive - A dream for harmony between humans and animals.

Functioned as the lead UI/UX and brand designer, and copywriter, collaborating on design and development solutions throughout the project cycle.

Brand Designer
Framer Designer
DaVinci Resolve