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PHP FPM Stopped Working - On To The Rescue
PHP FPM Stopped Working - On To The Rescue

Client was facing issue with php-fpm. Turned out a configuration issue upon digging. Fixed it timely and all php processes resumed working normally.

IT Specialist
Cloud Infrastructure Architect

Mass Email Server Fixed - IMAP Issue
Mass Email Server Fixed - IMAP Issue

Client was not able to send mass emails anymore from their server. Turned out a process limit issue in Dovecot which I in addition to other stuff fixed promptly

IT Specialist
Cloud Infrastructure Architect

Linux Server Administrator
Linux Server Administrator

Successfully installed and configured a multi-node hosting cluster. Email Deliverability 10/10 score ✅ systemd all units passing. DNS. Auto-renewing SSL Certs.

IT Specialist
Cloud Infrastructure Architect
Cloud Security Engineer
Amazon EC2