Web/UI Designer & Framer Specialist

Studeo – Framer Portfolio Template
Studeo – Framer Portfolio Template

Studeo is a versatile, unique and stylish Framer template that's perfect for creative studios, agencies, and even personal websites. It comes with 4 home page v

Web Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Basree – Creative Portfolio Framer Template
Basree – Creative Portfolio Framer Template

A free Framer creative portfolio template

Web Designer
Framer Designer

Personal Portfolio – Framer Website
Personal Portfolio – Framer Website

A personal portfolio built in Framer

Web Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer
Affinity Photo

Pintap Research – Product Design & Visual Identity
Pintap Research – Product Design & Visual Identity

Web platform and visual identity work done for Pintap Research, a product/platform of Pintap Indonesia.

Product Designer
Framer Developer
Tailwind CSS

IOA 21st Congress – Visual Identity and Product Design
IOA 21st Congress – Visual Identity and Product Design

Visual identity and product design work done for The 21st Congress of the Indonesian Orthopaedic Association.

Visual Designer
Web Designer
UI Designer
Affinity Designer
Affinity Photo

Various Website Templates
Various Website Templates

Collection of website template designs I did in the past

Web Designer
Framer Designer