Product Designer/Framer Expert

A ride-hailing mobile app that solves commuting issues - buseet
A ride-hailing mobile app that solves commuting issues - buseet

Bus transportation in Egypt is often disorganized, causing delays and inconvenience for passengers. The problem is that there is a lack of accurate and up-to-d…

UX Designer
Product Designer

Framer website for a Fin-tech startup - MoneyHash
Framer website for a Fin-tech startup - MoneyHash

Developed an interactive Framer prototype to showcase the functionality of a fintech product.

UX Designer
Product Designer
Framer Designer

Framer Portfolio
Framer Portfolio

A framer portfolio for myself. I tried to make interactive components out of the projects grid to be more enjoyable.

Product Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Real estate Platform - Sakneen
Real estate Platform - Sakneen

Sakneen case study in 2021 - Real Estate by Sayed Essam. Role: Mobile Apps, UX Design, UX Research, UI Design, Design Systems, Web Apps

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer

E-commerce Platform - Capiter
E-commerce Platform - Capiter

Capiter case study in 2020 - Ecommerce by Sayed Essam. Role: Mobile Apps, UX Design, UI Design, Design Systems, Web Apps

UX Designer
Product Designer
UI Designer