Fullstack mobile & web app dev

Helping Hundreds of College Students: Shiksha UG PG

Developed Shiksha UG PG's Android app, admin panel, and landing page, aiding hundreds of students in accessing curated study materials.

Android Developer
Fullstack Engineer
React Native Developer
React Native

Built Tools for the Internet: Domsignal.com
Built Tools for the Internet: Domsignal.com

Led Geekflare's transformation into Domsignal.com; architected full stack, managed lifecycle, enhanced UX, and ensured scalability for 100k+ views.

Fullstack Engineer

Web Application Development for Online Learning Platform

Collaborated with a team to create an interactive online learning platform, implementing features such as gamification, peer-to-peer communication, and progress tracking. The platform saw an increase in user engagement by 30% after launch.

Web Designer
Android Developer
Fullstack Engineer