3D animator and 3D Rigging Senior

Childrens Teeth Project - YouTube
Childrens Teeth Project - YouTube

Character was fully rigged and animated for a client in Canada

3D Designer
3D Animator
Autodesk Maya

Facial setup and animation
Facial setup and animation

Facial setup, Blendshape Based- animated with Facial mocap and some keyframe animation on top

3D Designer
3D Animator
3D Modeler
Adobe After Effects
Autodesk Maya

David Monteiro Showreel Rigging and animation - YouTube
David Monteiro Showreel Rigging and animation - YouTube

a series of 3D animations, Facial setups and 3D rigging i did for several clients

3D Designer
3D Animator
3D Modeler
Autodesk Maya
Unreal Engine