Check out my portfolio at! Explore my skills and projects, showcasing web development expertise with React, Three.js, and Tailwind CSS.
Full-stack project build via MongoDB, ExpressJS and NodeJS. Includes authentication and Authorization with several APIs integration and much more.
As a Front-end Developer, I built a responsive real estate website with React.js, featuring Framer Motion and Swiper.js for smooth UX.
Developed an innovative application using Google Gemini to analyze food images and deliver real-time nutritional insights.
Created a dynamic social hub inspired by Twitter, utilizing MongoDB, Express.js, and Node.js to deliver a responsive platform with engaging features for user in
Explore real-time weather updates. Sleek UI, interactive display. Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Join us in creating a responsive weather experience. Contrib
Explore the Micro-Bank Management System: Easy registration, secure auth, account management, and responsive design. Check it out!
eCommerce website using React.js includes a modern UI, real-time updates, comprehensive product management, and seamless navigation.