Strategically Creative Blog & Article Writer

New product launch: LTC product
New product launch: LTC product

Working from the information Securian had on hand and doing my own research, I wrote original copy for the launch of this new LTC product.

Product Marketer
Content Creator
Microsoft Office 365

Blog article: Confessions of a Newbie Content Designer
Blog article: Confessions of a Newbie Content Designer

In this article (first published on LinkedIn and then turned into a narrated video), Sandie captures what it was like to be a newbie UX content designer.

Blog Writer
Content Creator
Microsoft Office 365

Web page: Content Hub
Web page: Content Hub

I created this Content Hub with the Customer Journey of our Small/Medium Business (SMB) attorneys in mind. This was an entirely new market for us.

Web Designer
Content Creator
Microsoft Office 365

Creative Print Brochure
Creative Print Brochure

Sandie wrote copy for a brochure integrating creativity with strategic insights. She researched, adding relevant case law to this brochure targeting attorneys

Product Marketer
Product Researcher
Content Creator
Microsoft Office 365