Graphic Design / Digital Design

Contact for pricing

About this service



Initial Inquiry

For any queries or questions you have, don't hesitate to get in touch via email or telephone.

Discovery call

We'll have a free 30 minute video or telephone call to discuss your priorities, business and user needs, goals and how I can help you achieve them.

Follow-up and Proposal

Based on the notes from our call, I'll send a custom project proposal. Upon sign-off and agreement to the terms, we can begin project process.


Depending on the project scope, type and deliverables, my services can take anything from half a day to 6 months. Depending on business needs or schedules, this can be flexible.

Post Project Completion

If you are satisfied with the service you received, feel free to leave a review or recommendation!



My main design tool is Figma. If you'd like your final designs or assets to be sent in a different format (e.g. Framer project file, zip, cloud link), that can be arranged.

Throughout the duration of the project, we'll communicate via whichever tool is most convenient for you. This can be Microsoft Teams, Zoom, email or phone.

To keep track of the project process and jobs to be done, we will be using Trello.

Any interactive design sessions or design reviews will take place on video call, using Figma or Figjam to present.


Thanks for visiting my portfolio, I hope to hear from you soon!

Kind regards,

Yolande St.Ville

What's included

  • Digital Assets

    Branded assets - booklets, calendars, business documents, other digital and print assets

  • Email Assest

    email signature banners, email hero banners, other email assets

  • Social Media assets

    Hero banners, posts, other social media assets

Skills and tools

Graphic Designer
Visual Designer
Digital Marketer
Adobe Photoshop

Work with me

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