Instagram Profile Optimization

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About this service


Want to create Strong First impression of your Profile to new users ?

Want to showcase your brand identity and create a cohesive visual representation ?

Want to increases your Profile chances of being discovered by new users ?

If YES, I can help you achieving these Goals by Optimizing your Instagram Profile with my tested and proven methods.

What's included

  • Profile Photo Optimization

    I will creating a visually appealing and professional looking Profile photo/Logo matches with brand tone.

  • Username & Name Optimization

    I will Optimize Your Username and Name according to which industry you operate in which will increase searchability of your profile.

  • Bio Optimization

    I will Optimize your Bio according to the services you offer, why to follow you with proper CTA (Call to action), telling user to take some action based on your objective.

  • Highlights Optimization

    I will Optimize your Highlights cover according to your brand color theme and add my special categorization to make it easy for new audience to know more about your profile.


1 week

Skills and tools

Social Media Strategist
Social Media Manager
Social Media Marketer
Google Charts
Google Docs

Work with me