Ghostwritten SEO Content -- Single Projects -- Many Topics

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About this service


I offer ghostwritten SEO blog posts, articles, buyer's guides, and other website content. I also produce ghostwritten articles for print publication.

Using the information you provide about your clients, business, products, services, and competitors during your free consultation, I target the content to respond to your customers' wants, needs, concerns, and desires.

My Niche Topics

In 15 years, I've researched and written about many subjects, but my main focus is home-related:




Interior decorating

Sewing and crafts

Kitchen appliances and cookware

DIY projects

Home remodeling

Home staging for resale

Other Subjects

Other topics I've covered extensively include:

DSLR and action cameras


Commercial and recreational drones

Recreational telescopes

Travel and hotels

Recreational vehicles

Exercise shoes and equipment

Planned residential development communities

Fashion and beauty

Pets and aquariums including coral reef aquariums


Related Services

If you'd like more insight into your clients to better target your products, services, and, content, consider my customer survey service, my AI market research service, or both.

If human-written content isn't affordable enough but you want higher quality content than AI alone provides, my human-AI hybrid writing service offers another alternative.

With nearly 15 years of experience, I have written numerous blog posts, articles, and buyer's guides for a variety of clients in diverse industries. I also come from a gardening family with an early interest in organic techniques. I provide high-quality blog posts, articles, buyers' guides, and website content optimized for search engines.

Informative, well-written, entertaining blog posts and articles demonstrate your expertise. High-quality blog posts targeted to provide the answers your customers seek build trust in their relationship with your company and products.

Further, such blog posts and articles also build web traffic as potential customers come to regard your website as a source of reliable advice.

In addition, linking posts and articles with related information encourages readers to remain on your site longer, reducing bounce rates. I also create buyer's guides to help your customers make informed decisions.

Contact me to discuss landscaping content for your website.

What's included

  • 500- to 750-Word Short Form SEO Blog Post or Article

    This deliverable consists of a short-form, SEO blog post or article on a single topic. As with the long-form blog post, the short-form blog post will be targeted to the needs, wants, concerns, and desires of customers. Short-form blog posts and shorter articles provide a quick way to add content to your website that covers a variety of topics. They also offer readers a sense of the breadth of information available on your site. However, short-form blog posts and articles don't provide readers with the same sense of authority as long-form blog posts or articles. They are also less likely to be shared or draw links from other blogs. Delivered in two days. $250

  • Series of Four SEO Short-Form Blog Posts or Articles on Related Topics

    A series of short-form blog posts or articles draw readers back to your website to learn more about the topic being explored. A series of blog posts can present a complex topic in short segments that are easier for readers to grasp. A series could also explore different aspects or implications of a topic, the history of a subject, or the uses of a product or service. If your product or service has customers in a variety of market segments, a series allows you to address the wants, needs, concerns, and desires of each segment separately. Like long-form blog posts or articles, a series of short-form articles or blog posts demonstrates your authoritative knowledge of the subject. It's also likely to be shared or draw links from others. The series can be delivered within 10 days. $800

  • 1,000- to 1,200-Word SEO Blog Post or Article

    With this deliverable, you receive a long-form, SEO blog post or article on a single topic targeted to the needs, wants, concerns, and desires of your customers. Blog posts and articles build relationships between your clients and your business and establish your business as an authority in your field. They increase traffic to your blog through the strategic use of keywords. In addition. as visitors recognize your website as a reliable source of information, they return to it for answers to their questions. They may refer others to your site through shared links or links in their own blog posts. To provide further evidence of your authority and increase your readership, you can use long-form blog posts or articles as the basis for short social media posts or newsletter tidbits that create interest in reading the longer article or post. Delivered in three days. $450

  • 3,500- to 4,000-Word In-Depth SEO Blog Post or Article -- Pillar Content

    Blog posts or articles of this length serve as pillars for your blog. They offer a comprehensive discussion of a topic that convincingly establishes you and your business as an authoritative source of information. They go far beyond long-form blog posts or articles to enhance your reputation and the reputation of your business. They are also the most likely type of post to be shared or draw links. Delivered in two weeks. $2,000

  • SEO Buyer's Guides

    Buyer's guides explain, compare, and contrast the features of a product from the perspective of the buyer's concerns, wants, needs, and desires. They discuss the basic features your customer should seek and the benefits some customers may find from choosing products with more advanced features. If the product has features that might be less familiar to a customer, a buyer's guide offers more information about how it works and what the benefits are. Like in-depth, SEO blog posts or articles, buyer's guides offer comprehensive information about a product or category of products and the features that are available. Buyer's guides vary in length, depending on the complexity of the product, the available features, and the things a customer should consider when making a purchase. Delivered in one week. $1,000


Two days to two weeks

Skills and tools

Content Writer
SEO Writer
Google Docs
Google Drive
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Word

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fixed rate, Same day, Min. one week for bulk orders



fixed rate, One week