Creative Sales Copywriting To Fire Up Yr WEBSITE

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About this service


Nobody visits your website by accident.
So let's not disappoint them when they show up looking hungry.
Because what you say on your website really matters.
Especially if you want people to head your way rather than feed cash and kudos to your competitors.
So you'll need 4 core website essentials — all available here.
HOME picks up visitors, confirms they're in the right place, and begins the process of amplifying ideas and desires they might already have about what your kind of service can do for them.
This ought to raise 1 of 2 questions in their heads, for which you need answers.
This is your Services/Features/Product page.
This is your Profile page — a key part of your marketing arsenal.
In the online battle to promote services, products and prices, your profile shows your prospects what makes you uniquely qualified to solve their problems.
Here's where you demonstrate expertise, detail your skills, pull no punches about your passion and commitment, and tell a compelling story to loft you above your rivals.
If your Home page does the business, your prospects will head straight over to page 4 — CONTACT.
You may need extra pages, but you won't get far without this quartet of essentials.
(You could even run all four elements together as a one-pager. Whatever you decide, I’ll block out the entire site narrative so your web designer can go ahead and build it with ease.)
Need a persuasive video script? Case studies? Blog header?
All doable — so just ask, and we can figure it.
Actually, just ask anyway.
I'm remarkably adaptable, highly personable, and I've been writing pro copy for 15+ years.
Could be I’ve seen your kind of thing before.
PS: Original content only. No ChatGPT here.
AI lacks wit, charm & heart — and your customers and clients deserve better.


Intel up front is key. The main objective of any website is to match product or service benefits to audience needs, desires & problems with a view to generating customers, followers and fans. Market & offer details are critical here.
1) Identify Your Market
Your most important question is WHO IS BUYING? So let’s look at your market — and the big gap in their lives you intend to fill with your product, service or idea.
2) Clarify Your Offer
What makes YOU and your offer the perfect solution for the problem your audience faces? What do you want them to DO after they take a look round your website? Let me have your creative brief! You’ll receive an in-depth query form about your market, product/service, competitors etc.
3) I Write The Copy
I promise clear & compelling copy that’s error free and sticks to the brief. Along the way, I may have further queries to help me nail it. This means the first draft you see will be in the best possible shape.
4) Feedback & Revisions
You’ll receive 2 rounds of revisions to ensure the copy is fit for purpose. Design notes guide your web team through the structure so you can slot the copy into place as you build your website.
Easy Peasy.


  • Do you use AI to help you write your copy?

    Don't need it, don't use it — and audiences hate it. AI lacks wit, charm & heart — and your customers and clients deserve better.

  • Who do you write for?

    SAAS and new tech is fun because it's exciting. The brand names of the 2030s are setting out their stalls NOW. I'm a big fan of ecommerce too. Amazon's captive market place has seriously rich pickings for sellers who invest in effective copy. Gtg with coaching, training and entrepreneur offers also. Transformational, personality-led life/career level-ups are my favourites to write. Hey, but if you're selling *biscuits* or *recruitment services* I can probably handle it. Try me.

  • What do you bring to the table besides top drawer copy?

    Stacks of theatre, presentation and voice coaching XP. Very useful for brands who want to put on a show. I also run private 1-2-1 teaching services (and have done since 1997). That's a great foundation for figuring how and why people think and act the way they do.

  • You're new to Contra, right?

    Indeed. That's why my profile is like a bare bones WIP. Easiest way to discover what I can do for you is to query me. Direct dialogue is your friend.

What's included

  • Core Website Essentials to Attract Customers & Clients Your Way

    You’ll receive persuasive, brand-rich website copy to loft you head and shoulders above your business rivals. Home, About/Bio, Services/Features/Products & Contact. Let your visitors know you mean business!

  • Curiosity Feeds More Cats Than it Kills ...

    so why not pop me a query?

Skills and tools

Content Writer


Copy Strategist

Microsoft Word