Google Certified GA4 Expert, Data Analyst, Looker Studio

 E-commerce Upsell And Cross Sell Analysis
E-commerce Upsell And Cross Sell Analysis

Transform raw sales data into profit-driving decisions. Our analytics dashboard delivers real-time insights on product performance, upsell opportunities, etc.

Data Visualizer
eCommerce Marketer
Shopify Developer
Looker Studio

 E-Commerce Analytics Dashboard: Empowering Data-Driven Growth
E-Commerce Analytics Dashboard: Empowering Data-Driven Growth

Created GA4 E-commerce Dashboard in Looker Studio tracking $228K revenue,122K sessions. Enabled data-driven decisions through multi-channel attribution analysis

Data Visualizer
eCommerce Marketer
Data Analyst
Google Analytics
Google Tag Manager
Looker Studio

 📊 Survey Analysis And Insights
📊 Survey Analysis And Insights

Created interactive survey dashboard analyzing 450+ freelancers across 87 countries. Visualized key metrics: earnings, skills, contracts & industry trends.

Market Researcher
Business Consultant
Data Analyst
Microsoft Excel