Astronomy Picture Of the Day

Thami Mncwabe

Frontend Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer

Astronomy Picture Of The Day

Welcome to the APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) NASA Web App! This project is built using React and Vite, allowing users to explore and view NASA's daily astronomy pictures.
Introduction The APOD NASA Web App provides users with the ability to view and learn about NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day. This application fetches data from the NASA APOD API and displays the picture along with a brief description.
Features Fetches and displays the Astronomy Picture of the Day from NASA. Displays a description and other relevant details about the picture. Responsive design for various screen sizes.
Install dependencies: npm install
To run the app locally, use the following command: npm run dev
This will start the development server, and you can view the app by navigating to http://localhost:5174 in your browser.
Technologies Used React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Vite: A fast build tool for modern web projects. NASA APOD API: The data source for the Astronomy Picture of the Day
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