Storytelling Sample

Vidhi Kamerikar



I was abducted at the age of 18
My hands laid restless as they were tied with a rope
I wasn't even allowed to flinch.
They caged me!
I felt suffocated
I was in a room with no gates and,
No windows to escape...
Just darkness with no sunshine rays.
Where is this place?
This place is in my own brain.
And who is this person?
Actually I'm abducted by my own thoughts.
The thoughts which are not letting me grow.
These thoughts are even stopping me from continuing my journey on linkedin.
"Aditi you'll never grow"
"No matter how much you post"
"No matter how much stay consistent"
"You'll always stay behind"
Said my thoughts as they mocked me.
I feel suffocated!
I want them to stop!
Enough of this!
Enough of being degraded by my own thoughts!
And so.
And so I decided to break free.
I am the one controlling these thoughts.
It's me who is letting herself down!
I'm the one allowing these thoughts to ruin me!
Ruin my journey!
But no more!
I don't care If I don't grow!
I'm doing this because I enjoy each and every second of this.
I'll post on linkedin because I don't have to care about others.
All I have to care about is
I love my content or not!
To all the people who are caged in your own brain by your own thoughts.
This is your sign to break free!
Let them go.....
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Posted Jan 2, 2024

This is the storytelling sample written by a fellow creator of my agency.







Vidhi Kamerikar

Reliable Content Writer and Social Media Manager

A LinkedIn post
A LinkedIn post
LinkedIn Personal Branding
LinkedIn Personal Branding