Film: Odd Ends
영화: 홀수 끝
Team: Kodachrome
팀: 코다크롬
Director/ Cinematographer: Anouska, Avdyuksha, Shreya, Vibhu
감독/촬영 감독
Actors: Rinjini, Taitreyi
Writer: Rinjini
Editor: Vibhu, Shreya
Date of production: 15 to 17 September 2023
제조일자: 2023년 9월 15~17일
Production time: 54 hrs total
제작시간 : 총 54시간
Software: Da Vinci
사용되는 소프트웨어: Da Vinci
Amateur Category:
Theme - We are our choices
Genre - Humour, Slice of Life, Satire, Fantasy
Theme Description - This theme encapsulates the idea that our identity and the course of our lives are fundamentally shaped by the decisions we make. It emphasizes that our actions and selections, whether big or small, define our character, values, and the path we tread. These choices reflect our priorities, beliefs, and desires, ultimately determining our individual journey and the outcomes we experience. It underscores the responsibility we bear for our lives, highlighting the power and significance of the decisions we commit to, as they mold our destiny and contribute to the narrative of who we become.