Huneety - HRTech, Thailand

Michel Boretti


Software Consultant

Fullstack Engineer




Huneety is a HR start­up found­ed by two French en­tre­pre­neurs in Bangkok, Thai­land.
Huneety match­es can­di­dates to jobs in a web por­tal, specif­i­cal­ly de­signed for the needs of the Thai job mar­ket, that are not cov­ered by LinkedIn and lo­cal job boards.
Their orig­i­nal web por­tal MVP had been de­vel­oped by one of the co-founders who had a mar­ket­ing back­ground but no ex­pe­ri­ence in soft­ware de­vel­op­ment. For that por­tal he picked the Lar­avel frame­work.
Lat­er, when pon­der­ing on tech­ni­cal ar­chi­tec­ture and de­sign de­ci­sions, he found our com­pa­ny and asked for our help, since I al­ready had ex­pe­ri­ence with Lar­avel as I was liv­ing in Cam­bo­dia.

Here is how I helped him.

I first ad­vised him to start over! Since the new it­er­a­tion of the app had a dif­fer­ent con­cept, I ad­vise to start over and ben­e­fit from the lat­est ver­sion of the open-source li­braries.
From there, I as­sist­ed him ex­clu­sive­ly as a con­sul­tant, in which we met week­ly for a 2-hour work ses­sion.
To­geth­er, we took the time to prop­er­ly de­sign the data­base, so that it would cov­er all busi­ness needs in the long term and in a high­ly flex­i­ble way.
We dis­cussed his needs and pro­vid­ed ad­vice, also on tech­ni­cal as well as non-tech­ni­cal as­pects: user ex­pe­ri­ence, er­gonom­ics, lay­out, etc.
Over months, our con­sult­ing ses­sions in­clud­ed tasks to per­form for the fol­low­ing work ses­sion: de­sign pat­terns, mi­gra­tion files, cor­re­spond­ing mod­els, views and con­trollers.
At the be­gin­ning on the fol­low­ing ses­sion, we fixed what was need­ed to be fixed.

This is our customer's review

We used Cod­ing Craft­ing Con­sult­ing to sup­port the launch of our HRTech start­up MVP in 2023. Michel and his team guid­ed us in re­gards to tech stack, code ar­chi­tec­ture, per­formed code re­views and helped to de­vel­op key fea­tures. I like that Cod­ing Craft­ing Con­sult­ing keeps in mind the busi­ness pic­ture and is able to pro-ac­tive­ly rec­om­mend im­prove­ments that ben­e­fit end-users and SEO.
- Vianney d'Hostel, CTO Huneety
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Posted Dec 19, 2024

Consulting activity to help customer build his MVP using PHP / Laravel.








Software Consultant

Fullstack Engineer



PHP -> guest tech team leadership -> guest tech team leadership
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