Novel Editing

Raphaella Silva

The Bitter One
He was rushing down the street panting++Add more descriptive of what the street looked like, how it felt (temperature, etc)++, trying to catch his breath as well as trying to button his pants at the same time.  He had just gotten the news that his baby was coming.  His wife had been taken to the hospital and was in labor.  He stopped a few times a bit disoriented, trying to figure out what direction to take.   There were no more buses running at that time  and he had no idea how he was going to get to the hospital.  He figured he would walk.  It would give him time to ponder on what he was going to do about this kid, this marriage, money and having his own home. ++More predicament here - was he unemployed, had another girlfriend, etc++ He had been living on the back of his mother’s house in a room he built with his father in law, who forced this marriage.  He recalled his words, “If you don’t marry my daughter, I am getting your ass locked up.” He even made sure that the police escorted him to the church.
As those thoughts began to race across his mind, he belt a loud scream and shouted “Fuck! What the hell was I thinking!  I should have never touched her.”  he continued with his internal dialogue, “She had been on me for weeks, wanting me to take her virginity. I didn’t want to, but she kept pressing.”  He shouted again with a grunt, “FUCK!!!!!!!” He kicked the ground and burst into tears.  “I am not ready to have this kid.  I don’t want the responsibility of raising a kid.” He stoped, pulled out a cigarette and stood there for a while.  He took a few puffs in distress, leaned against a pole and began to recall that night.
They were both on the back of the dance stadium where she used to go on weekends hidden from he mother.  They had been dancing earlier and afterwards they decided to make out on the back of the stadium.  She was wearing this small skirt and a tube top.  Her body was amazing.  She was indeed one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life.   Her skin was smooth and soft, dark like a black pearl.  She had high cheek bones and small lips.  She walked with so much grace and sensuality.  Very unique for a girl that was only 16 years old to have that much confidence and sex appeal.  She was indeed irresistible.  I met her at the dance stadium a  few months ago.  She was moving her hips like it was nobody’s business.  Every man in that place wanted her.  Shit, I bet every woman too.  She was hot.  We started talking a few encounters later and I asked her out on a date.  She said, “You?” rolling her eyes and checking me out from head to toe.  She then gave me this smirk and said with arrogance, “I don’t think so.” and walked away.  Each time I’d see her, I would try a different tactic, send her a rose and disappear, write her a note and stare from afar, I kept trying until she finally agreed to dance with me.  I remember grabbing her by the waist and caressing her lower back.  I felt her body shiver a bit as she looked with intensity into my eyes.  I looked down on her face and noticed that her nipples had gotten hard. She looked down a bit embarrassed, but I moved her body closer to mine as to let her know that she was safe. The shivering stopped and I felt her heart beat.  Something was different about this one I said to myself.  She was love, but she was also pain.  The music stopped and I offered to walk her home.  She agreed and we headed out towards the hill in the direction of her street.
She began to share about her family and her siblings. We both came from a big family.  I asked her, “Do you want any kids?” She looked down and while fidgeting her fingers together she said, “No. I don’t want to have any kids.” she paused then continued, “I want to travel the world and have my own place. I want to be independent.”
I looked a bit confused since I have never heard a woman talk about being independent before.  ++Add some information that denotes this is the early seventies and that it was not common for women of that era to talk about being independent++I wasn’t sure how to respond or say after that comment.  I just nodded and finally, “Hmm. That’s interesting.”  Then I added, “Do your parents know that is what you want to do?” She jumped back and looked up with eyes full of fear and said, “They would probably send me to a convent if they find out.” “My mother wants me to marry a wealthy man and have a family.”  She continued, “That what she wants for all her children, especially me, since I am the prettiest one.”  “She said, honey, every man is going to want you for your beauty.”  I laughed, shook my head.  I was in total agreement, her ass was fine and I am sure even a wealthy man would want her. ++Information about the hood (could go in the first paragraph as well)++
We finally reached the top of the hill.  She said that she would be fine from that point forward because she did not want her mother to see me.  I told her I was fine with it.  I leaned down to give  her a kiss on the lips and a hug.  We embraced each other and I felt it again, the love and the pain.  We finally let go of each other and she began to walk down the hill. I watched her as her body would dissipate as wind down the street.
I snapped out of it when I heard the horn of the car and continue to walk.  I threw the cigarette bud on the ground and stepped on it to put it out.  I felt something on the bottom of the shoe and lifted up my foot. I saw something shine and squatted down to see what it was.  It was a baby bracelet with the name Mariah engraved on it.  I picked it up and put it inside my pocket.  I had no idea if I was having a boy or a girl.  I saw the bracelet as a sign from God about this angel that was soon to enter this world.  “Mariah. That is what she shall be called if it is a girl.”   
I finally reached the hospital after hours of walking.  I walked in and asked the receptionist where the labor ward was and she directed me to the elevator ahead.  As I began to walk she shouted, “It’s on the 9th floor.” I looked back and waved thank you.
I exited the elevator and the first person I saw down the corridor was my mother in law, which from the looks of it was pissed with my tardiness.
She greeted me with disdain and said, “your baby is here.” I followed her to the newborn area and she showed me where it was.  There she was, the one that would bring so much love to humanity, Mariah arrived.
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Posted Nov 1, 2024

Novel editing





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