XenoGraft Mobiles | Full Stack Web development

Riyad Hossain


Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




XenoGraft Mobiles is a comprehensive smartphone management dashboard designed for efficiently managing smartphone inventory, tracking sales, and analyzing sales history. It's not a whole website but mejor part of a large mobile selling platform. Where every phone seller has access to their dashboard to manage smartphones, sell smartphones, and track the sales history. The primary objective of this project is to create a user-friendly dashboard that empowers users to manage smartphone inventory and sales seamlessly. This project incorporates features such as secure JWT authentication, complete CRUD operations, global state management, real-time UI updates, and mini ADVANCED smartphone filtering.
Key Features:
User Registration.
User Login.
Use of JWT to secure authentication.
Smartphone Management:
Add A New Smartphone to the Inventory.
Delete existing smartphone.
Duplicate & Edit / Create Variant from exising smartphone.
Update Smartphone Details.
View the list of smartphones in the inventory.
Dynamic Filtering System
A Robust dynamic filtering system to filter smartphones in inventory
The reason why it's DYNAMIC is the filtering options are not static. Filtering options will be generated based on the fetched data.
Filters include price, release date, brand, model, operating system, storage capacity, screen size, Color and Battery size.
Bulk Delete Product Options
User are able to select multiple smartphone and click on delete icon to delete selected phones.
Sales Management
User can select a smartphone to sell from the Sell page.
Then complete the sell with a form including quantity, buyer name, and sale date.
The system will track how many quantities are sold off a phone, and it will be automatically updated to the product on the inventory
Products with zero quantity are automatically removed from the inventory.
Sales History
If a product is sold, this product data and few additional data like sell quantity, buyer name and sale date will be stored to the Sales History.
After that user will be able to see his entire sales history from Sales History page.
View sales history categorized by weekly, daily, monthly, and yearly periods.
User Interface Features
Real-time UI updates for changes like product updates, sales, etc.
Utilization of RTK Query for efficient CRUD operations.
Data Caching to prevent unnecessary API calls and save the API cost.
Implementation of Re-fetching functionality for data accuracy.
Smooth transition on route changing.
Nice Modals, Selects, Date Picker, Buttons and other UI components.
100% responsive in all devices.
Skeleton view on loading.
Resizable sidebar.
Overall a smooth experience.
Use of Toast to show error and success messages.
Privet Route to protect the privet pages from unauthenticated users.
Dynamic Input field generations for forms.
Form Validations using complete type safe ZOD package with react-hook-form.
State Management
Best use of Redux Toolkit for maintaining a consistent application state.
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Posted Feb 11, 2025

XenoGraft Mobiles is a smartphone management dashboard designed to efficiently manage smartphone inventory, track sales, and analyze sales history.






Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer

Web Developer




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