Changtse Quintanilla


Video Editor


Video Post-Production

Adobe After Effects

DaVinci Resolve

Electo Preste 2023

Electro Preste is an intercultural fusion and integration electronic party organized by the duo Animal Print (Anibal Aguilar, Marco Cuba) and IVANA. With the support of Paceña Play, 1500 people had the opportunity to enjoy an incredible experience starting at 4 in the afternoon, with the presentation of the "cholitas" wrestlers, the Chuquiago Bolivia morenada band, the performance by Andreco, the Miski Cholitas, the China Supays gogo dancers, and the "cholitas" models who welcomed all the guests with confetti.
For many, it was the party of the year, and we hope to repeat it very soon for all those who missed it.
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My Job in "Electro Preste"

I was hired as a camera man, to just take pretty shots of the events, but when reviewing the footage I had (I usually shoot fort the edit), I realized I had enough footage to make a cut of the final film myself, so I decided to make an original cut with licensed music, releasing it before the "official" movie that came afterward.
This went to be a big succes in social media, and to the eyes of photographer and cinematographer friends, a more narrative and well build movie to showcase the emotions of the festival.
Here is the "Official Aftermovie" of the festival with other camera angles from cinematographers in my field edited and graded by "Pato Romay".
I include this to showcase my skills as a cinematographer and camera operator.
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Posted Oct 15, 2023

I was hired as a camera op. to just take pretty shots of the events, but when reviewing the footage I made my own movie.






Video Editor


Video Post-Production

Adobe After Effects

DaVinci Resolve

Changtse Quintanilla

Capturing moments with visual flair

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