123 Pocket Loans

JP Meyer

Backend Engineer
Cloud Infrastructure Architect
Frontend Engineer
Django REST framework
The client approached me with the need for a system that allows their customers to apply for payday loans online easily.
I worked with the client to figure out the requirements for the system, ranging from identity verification requirements at the beginning of the process to debit order collections when loan payments are due.
Using React for the frontend and Django REST Framework for the backend, I built a system that gives users all the details they need to apply for a loan in a simple process. The system included identity verification as well as email and SMS communication as the process progressed. Once the loan was paid out to the user, a debit order would be scheduled and processed when it became due.
This system deployed to Kubernetes to ensure zero-downtime deployments, and I made use of real-time error reporting software to make sure I could address issues as fast as possible, sometimes even before the client was aware of them.
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