One of the very first visible results since launching the Live Lesson feature was the huge increase in traffic to the web app. With the lessons becoming more frequent, and with an increased diversity of topics and speakers, we saw an increase in the number of registered users as well as more user profiles (aka. the lead generation questionnaire) being completed.
On average, 200–300 participants attended each live lesson, and coincidentally, there was also an increase in the direct purchase of IELTS related services on IOT. Though this was not a significant increase, the constant steady number of participants and user feedback shows that this feature truly benefited them.
Just like any other project, there is always something I could learn from it and here is one:
Nothing lasts forever (it probably shouldn't anyway)
After completing the protect in 2019, I recently went back to have a look at the current site, including this feature, and realised that there were a few more developments to it after my departure -- some that I could agree on and some that I would challenge. But just like everything else, the product has to change, more quickly and often than not and it's a great thing about technology and design. I don't own the product nor the feature I once designed. What I did was contribute to the development and the growth of it, but it's now out into the world and my hope is that the users will always be the driving force of its development down the road.