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Norm Fernandez

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What’s Better Than One Strict Pull Up? A LOT of Them!
You’ve put in the work. You know you’re ready.
Now is the time.
You approach the bar and jump up. You activate the muscles in your back and pull with your arms. You want your chin over that bar.
You pull… and pull… and pull…
Congratulations! You’ve gotten your first strict pull-up!
Now what?
Lucky for you, I’ve got the perfect video to help you break through from “one” strict pull-up to “many” strict pull-ups.
Click HERE to watch my video with 3 tips on Increasing Your Pull Up Capacity
Most people know how to get that first strict pull-up. After that, it seems like it’s a mystery. You can’t just rep it out like any other movement. You’ve only just gotten one!
In the video, I go over how to break through your sticking points. I also give you some specific drills and techniques for increasing your strength, specific to pull-ups.
And if you watch the whole video, I even give you a FREE pull-up guide that lays out exactly what you need to do to get multiple strict pull-ups.
Remember: multiple strict pull-ups are crucial to so many other movements in CrossFit, like kipping and butterfly pull-ups and bar muscle-ups.
Don’t neglect the importance of getting those strict pull-ups in.
Learn how to increase your pull-up capacity today, right HERE.
Ben WODprep
P.S. - I’ve got so much more than just this video. WODprep offers a specific 8-week course, Strict Pull Up Strength. The course has everything you need, from focused strengthening positions to the right way to use bands. It’s all laid out in a proven, step-by-step, day-by-day format. AND it’s covered by my 100% money-back guarantee.


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