Woody's | Coffee Shop branding

Mushfiq Hossain

Graphic Designer
Brand Strategist
Content Writer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Woody's Coffee house


I was sought to develop the name creation and visual identity development project. I had to differentiate the cafe from being common to an unique prospective of how the owner wanted it to be.


The challenge was to work on a new positioning of the cafe with the aim of greater prominence and differentiation, but thinking of extremely varied audiences, both social class and age. And besides, the cafe is located in a local place where people want value for money, so we had to think of something new, but at the same time easy to digest.


In the creation of the name, first we looked into the mood-board that our client was on board with and we came up with the simple term of wood by the vibe of the mood-board, thus came the name woody.

A strong, meaningful name, easy to assimilate and understand, and not just a name, tells a story and represents the whole concept of this cafe.

As for the logo, we headed towards the vintage calligraphy route and as you can see I drew some sketches on my note book

After the sketches and redrawing the idea multiple times and using the negative spaces, we ended with the structure on the right

Challenge: The negative space above the "y" was a big obstacle and we were trying to fill up with coffee/tea or something but any word we tried kind of looked crowdy on the small space so we filled the space with two crosses to retain the retro vibe throughout the logo and perfected the product on illustrator.

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