I will be a moderator for your discord

Halle W

Content Creator
I manage my own Discord Channel & twitch chat and have been since 2021! Really enjoy interacting with new people and honestly just supporting people, I’m self employed so will be able to help you whenever. Preferably in my time zone but not necessary

About this Gig

Ill be your Discord Moderator
Message me before placing a order to make sure I have availability for you!
What Ill do:
Engage with members
Help with projects
Ban/time out people using banned words etc
Actively monitor chat channels
issuing warnings
promoting a friendly atmosphere
Share ideas
Feel free to contact about other enquiries
Digital platform:

Compare packages

BasicDiscord Mod for 7 days 4 hours each day
StandardDiscord Mod for 14 days 4 hours each day
PremiumDiscord Mod for 30 days 4 hours each day
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