Sol and Sun Screenplay

Julia Cubbedge

Creative Writer

It’s 2022 and I’m not sure any teenager is happy anymore


Depression and anxiety on an all-time rise along with smartphones and social media 


A new world 

No one wanted

But participates in with their hands tied 


One with squares people scroll past 

Filled with girls who use to pick their teeth 

With my bones

And spit them out 

On the bathroom walls


Adulthood isn’t looking too great either 

A digital graveyard of the dead among the living 

Who suffer five days to spend two days 

Thinking about the next five

And call it living 


Comparing ourselves to the ultra-successful 1% of the world seems like a slight set up to me


Although that didn’t stop me from watching every single episode of Kardashians last summer 


Maybe I should make a sex tape


In my defense it was the summer I realized I was gay after youtube searching girls kissing every night for a week 


I thought that was when everything changed for me 


But then I got a new neighbor 


I used to think it would never come knocking at my door


That four lettered word I've seen girls scrape their knees for


That feeling you get when the ocean washes over your feet and demands you to look up

The pounding in your ribcage at the thought of it. 

I would hear it in my home but it somehow sounded empty

You came to me that random day in July

Across the street in a golden ray

It has filled me from my soles to my crown when the corners of your mouth touch your ears


Both of us have spent most of our lives dreaming to be normal

Only to find out 

We were never made to look like the others 


And there she is 


I think both of us were made to die 

Like God gave us some fucked up mold 

To cram all of our trauma into 

And call it a life 

But we are here to stay


This is a story about us.



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