Introduction Catalog

Mohammad M.

Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop


Introducing the characteristics of the Delta brand was the purpose of designing this brochure, according to the client's wishes, the content in the form of attractive graphics took over the brand's marketing process in the Dubai exhibition.
Front Page
Front Page

Design Process 🤝

In this design, paying attention to design details, coloring, form, design proportions, etc. caused the high quality of the final product:
• Color pallet • Typography • Print standard
Back Page
Back Page

Results 🎁

Finally, the quality output was ready for printing, and the full satisfaction of the employer led to more cooperation.

Takeaways 📣

Thank you for being in touch with us. We welcome you by sending a message for more details and future cooperation.

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Posted Nov 30, 2022

Introduction Catalog company In the field of financial markets. Optimized for printing.






Graphic Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Mohammad M.

I love my job and this makes me try my best to be.

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