Sunday Edit — Sunday Riley

Jasely M.




SEO Writer

There’s a lot of mystery surrounding polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). For starters, roughly 75 percent of individuals are undiagnosed due to the complexity of the disorder. Researchers believe that genetics often plays a role while some studies in the past few years have shown that it’s possibly due to levels of high exposure to a particular hormone while in the womb. Beyond that, since there are a lot of things that influence what’s going on with your hormones, it’s hard to pinpoint its exact cause.
Treatment for PCOS is also tricky. Birth control pills can help women get back on track with a regular menstrual cycle and calm some of the side effects like excess facial hair growth and acne. Lifestyle and diet adjustments are necessary to help keep insulin-regulated, but there isn’t a cure-all...
What do you do if you have irregular periods, you’re experiencing acne and facial hair growth, and you find out that you’re at risk for fertility issues and diabetes?
If you’re one of the five million people diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) — a hormonal disorder — you’re often slapped with a few prescriptions to help manage symptoms, and your doctor sends you on your way. “With PCOS, the conventional medical model is to prescribe the birth control pill, metformin, and spironolactone,” says Dr. Danielle Vogler-Bos (@drdanielle.nd). “However, it’s not addressing what’s happening in PCOS. It’s covering up the symptoms,” she says. Not only could traditional medicine be masking the symptoms, but studies have also shown that oral contraceptives could increase insulin resistance, deplete vital nutrients from our bodies, and increase inflammation throughout the body. Whatever the reason, some women might not want to use hormone therapy to treat their PCOS, but are there other options? Though everyone’s PCOS journey is different, Desorche shares alternative ways to manage the effects of PCOS as holistically as possible — just in time for PCOS Awareness Month (Sept 1-30)...
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Posted Jun 23, 2023

Articles related to PCOS, an underresearched yet common hormonal/reproductive condition that primarily affects Black women and women of color.








SEO Writer

Jasely M.

Social or editorial — writing shouldn't be boring

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