email Copywriting and ghostwriting for u.k based client

Leon Bradley


Email Marketer


LastThe last 7 spaces for the CareerMastery Cohort 

Hi, today's email will be a bit different, maybe even controversial. 
But hear me out because this has been on my mind for a while.
In 2020, society was exposed.
It took a pandemic to wake us up and realise we don’t need to go to the office.
It took a pandemic to realise 4-day work weeks work just as well.
And yet despite this, the Uk is one of the most unproductive nations in the world, despite people having the option to work from home, saving time AND money.
Unlike the US and others, most of us have been forced to return to the office, back to the long commutes on the tube..
Back to this:
We’re unhappier and poorer than pre-pandemic.
But all we do is work, so why is that?
Well its all because of one word that has changed the way I see work completely: Leverage.
And , you’re using the wrong kind of leverage.
You’re using the worst kind of leverage, you’re time. The single, most fleeting asset you have.
And I get it, its how we were programmed; go to school, get a degree, work 40 hours a week..
Rinse and repeat till you’re 65 with multiple health issues and a pension you hope is enough.

Being paid for your time doesn’t make sense.

The pandemic ushered in a new age, the digital age. And only the few have taken advantage of it.
Teenagers are making £10k/m with their online businesses using the same apps you use for work: Zoom, LinkedIn, Google Docs etc…

The digital age revolves around earning from your skills and knowledge, not your time.

Once I understood this in early 2021 by reading The Almanak (highly recommend), I tripled my hourly rate
And guess what? 
Clients still paid.
Because they understood the value of my skills, not the hours I put in to use said skills to help their business.  
My £1,000 clients never asked how long I worked.
My £1.5k/m clients never asked how long I worked.
My £10,000 clients never asked how long I worked.
If you can get results, you’re qualified.
The government doesn't want you to understand this.
We still work 5-day weeks and the 9-5 has turned back into 7am to 7pm for most people, despite studies proving that WFH and 4-day weeks are more productive AND healthier.
The entire system is rigged against you.
Imagine what you could do with an extra day?
Go to Jummah salah 2 hours early
Take that class you’ve been putting off
Enjoy a 3-day vacation
Like this project

Posted Jan 25, 2024

An example showcase of some of my email campaign work. This was for a United Kingdom-based client running a web-Dev boot camp with a mostly Muslim audience.






Email Marketer


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